WEART? App的創(chuàng)立是為大家打造一個藝術文化與生活空間碰撞的媒介。在WEART的世界中“人人都是藝術家”,不管您是藝術家,項目方,還是一位普通人,都可以通過我們的服務發(fā)現(xiàn)藝術,創(chuàng)造藝術,成就自己的藝術理想。WEART App上我們主要開放兩個端口,五大板塊。兩個端口是:藝術家端、尋找藝術品端(開放給三種人群:策展人、甲方買家、藝術顧問)。三個板塊是藝術家主頁板塊、需求人發(fā)布需求板塊、藝術家響應需求板塊、空間項目案例板塊、推薦藝術家藝術品板塊。App的打造,主要是為了連接藝術家與真實藝術空間需求,為更多的藝術家和其作品打造出口。?We build WEART App as a medium where art, culture and living space collide and merge. No matter you are an artist, a project issuer, or just an art lover, with our services and promise of ‘everyone is an artist’, you can discover and share artworks thus realize your dreams about art.The number of registered artists and uploaded artworks on WEART App are growing rapidly.