
主頁-安卓資訊-平板評測- 看!那個用iPad Pro來創(chuàng)作的音樂家,他真的太酷了(2)

看!那個用iPad Pro來創(chuàng)作的音樂家,他真的太酷了(2)

2019-11-05 11:13 作者:安卓在線 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理 瀏覽:

摘要::iPad Pro,iPad,蘋果對付Johan來說,他險些尋找到一位與他共同無間的事情同伴,iPadPro讓他原本需要耗費300個小時的事情量,縮減了三分之二。此刻Johan不只用iPadPro來儲存、修

  對付Johan來說,他險些尋找到一位與他共同無間的事情同伴,iPad Pro讓他原本需要耗費300個小時的事情量,縮減了三分之二。此刻Johan不只用iPad Pro來儲存、修改曲譜,也會用它來舉辦視頻的剪輯,大大都時候這都來自于其他音樂家邀請與他合奏的環(huán)境,這也讓他結(jié)識了更多可以彼此促進(jìn)相助的伴侶,互相交換想法,碰撞出更多靈感的火花。 


Johan began his career as a piano accompanist while a Post graduate Student the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire in the United Kingdom. As his responsibilities grew he began to realise that carrying around a back-breaking 10 or so piano reductions of opera scores everyday to and from the university was going to result in damage to his bicycle panniers and eventually his bicycle. Not to mention the cost to his reliability if a score was damaged and a constant need for a page turner for particularly difficult pieces of music. 


Even with tight finances, he scraped together enough money for his first iPad. The iPad Air. After several days of digitising his library, the weight was literally lifted from his shoulders as he now had all his music safe and conveniently stored on his device. The first hurdle he faced was that he couldn’t easily mark his score without needing to move the file to a different app. The issue was partially solved with the use of Readdle’s app, PDF Expert. 

所以即便其時糊口十分窘迫,Johan也節(jié)衣縮食買了他的第一部iPad,一款iPad Air。在拿到iPad后的幾天把他本身所有的曲譜都掃描轉(zhuǎn)移到iPad里,終于他不消每次排演肩上都背著厚重的曲譜來回于劇院與學(xué)校之間,因為他所有的曲譜都已經(jīng)存儲在iPad里了。但同時他也碰著了他在利用iPad之后的第一個障礙:他無法對曲譜舉辦標(biāo)志,他需要找到一個在iPad上已經(jīng)十分完善的PDF軟件,最后他找到了Readdle開拓的PDF Expert之后,曲譜不能標(biāo)志的這個短處也迎刃而解了。更重要的是iPad中的所有曲譜可以通過隔空投送在iPad、iPhone、Mac中來分享標(biāo)志前和標(biāo)志后的譜子,這樣大大的提高了我們在事情與進(jìn)修中的效率。 

PDF Expert App
PDF Expert App

Not all page turners were happy about not having a physical page to turn when working with Johan.  Plusadd,Inc’s app piaScore dealt with this with their head-tilt feature. All Johan needed to do was tilt his head when reaching the end of the page and the page would turn. On top of this, not only was he now able to write in his markings on the score but he was also able to type in translations for vocal pieces written in languages other than in English. These could all be neatly saved in Dropbox. That was the end of Johan‘s need for a page turner at rehearsals and performances. 

iPad Pro,iPad,蘋果http://ln6487g.cn/news/pingbanpingce/3902.html


看!那個用iPad Pro來創(chuàng)作的音樂家,他真的太酷了(2)

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